A Building for Minnesota Atheists

Minnesota Atheists is currently exploring options for the purchase of a permanent home for our organization. We are accepting donations to the Ted Moore Building fund, named as a memorial to a member who was an active and enthusiastic supporter of our efforts to buy a permanent MNA site.

Make a tax deductible donation now

Fundraising Efforts - The 300 Club

The 300 Club was established by Minnesota Atheists at the suggestion of member Rod Monroe. Our oal is to get 300 people to pledge to give us $1,000 each over a four-year period (an amount that averages $5 per week per donor) to raise a total of $300,000 for our Building Fund.

The following people have joined the 300 Club so far. We will continue to publish this list as it grows. Numbers in parentheses indicate multiples of $1,000. When at least $1,000 of the pledge has been paid, the person's name will be displayed in boldface. We have recently changed responsibility for tracking this information. If we missed your name, or do not have your information correct, or to join the 300 Club, please contact me, Steve Petersen, at (651) 484-9277 or chair@mnatheists.org.

Kathy Alme Robin Anderson Anonymous
August Berkshire (2) Charles Boltuck Dean Borghorst
Jack Caravela Dan Carnicom Richard & LaGretta Dean
Tom Dooley Cynthia Egli Norman Ehrentreich
Erik Englebretson Andy Flamm Eric Frame
Dorothy French Kevin Hardisty Kristine Harley
Guy Harper Mike Haubrich Bruce Honnigford
Laura Hutt Geri Jensen Ron Julien
George Kane Brian Knoblock (3) James Koran
Jerrold and Joyce Larson June Haiyan Li Christopher Matthews
Vanita Mishra Shirley Moll Rod Monroe
Bob Muldoon Ted Nagel Bill Paulson
Steve Petersen Jerry Rauser Matthew Richardson (3)
Tom Riddering Lee Salisbury Paul Schenck (4)
Bob Schmitz Alvin Shimek Jon Strand
Bill Talmage Georgia Tsoi Bjorn Watland
Brett Welch Jim Whitney Susan & John Wiik
Rachel Wilson Fern & Bob Wodtke Jeff Wolfe
Vern Young [Your name here!]


Total pledged so far: $62,000
Total pledges fully paid so far: $18,000

The Things a Building Can Do for Us

A building will establish a reliable place for meetings, where we can:

  • always know we have a place for our monthly membership meetings.
  • make it easier for new people to find us.
  • arrange regular carpools for people without vehicles.
  • hold Board and committee meetings.
  • have a professional environment for press conferences and interviews by journalists.
  • provide a meeting place for other Minnesota freethought groups, such as the
  • Humanists of Minnesota and Camp Quest of Minnesota.
  • set up our own digital video recording studio. We could videotape our monthly speakers
  • and special guests and broadcast them on cable TV or post them as podcasts on our website.
  • have a solid presence in the community with a permanent sign for Minnesota Atheists on the
  • building, and perhaps a changeable sign in front of the property to advertise upcoming events
  • and feature famous quotations from freethinkers.

A building will provide a space to organize, plan activities and store our materials, so we can:

  • raise more money from book sales, t-shirts, etc. It is easier to sell merchandise when you
  • can display it.
  • prepare the newsletter and other mailings for distribution.
  • store our signs and equipment for fairs and parades.
  • have a place to gather items for, and hold, garage sales.
  • rehearse for events such as the Winter Solstice.
  • store our important records in one place.

A building will allow us to establish an Atheist Library.

  • We have about 2,000 books in private homes.
  • In our building they will be available to be borrowed and read.
  • Some are too valuable to check out, but can be used for research within the building.

A building will provide a location for social and fundraising events, so that:

  • our Winter Solstice event could have a lower ticket price and still raise more money.
  • we can hold regular Game Days or Game Nights.
  • we can have Movie Afternoons or Nights.
  • we can start an Atheist Book Club and Discussion Group.
  • we have a place for an Atheist Singles Group to meet.
  • we can hold regular pancake breakfasts and other meals–prepared in our own kitchen.
  • we could establish a regular weekly schedule when the building is open, so members can peruse
  • the library, buy items, and otherwise just get together.
  • we could host blood drives, food drives, and clothing drives.
  • we could sponsor educational programs in science and critical thinking, or offer tutoring.

What You Can Do To Help

We seek to purchase a permanent home so that we can hold events and host speakers for the benefit of our membership and for the larger community. Board members are the largest contributors to the Ted Moore Building Fund. Those who do not live in Minnesota are also asked to be involved by contributing to this fund.

Our website is one of the best sources for up-to-date news on separation of church/state issues, and it's available to everyone all over the world. Likewise, our newsletter is available online at no cost. Minnesota Atheists sees itself as part of a larger atheist movement to counter religious fanaticism and sectarian strife with reasoned communication and education. Recent events, especially in the Middle East, highlight the importance of timeless, universal human values, especially scientific research, critical thinking, and freedom from oppression. We extend our invitation to people all over the world to join and to contribute. Donate today—for the survival of humanity.

Please let us know if you would like to be recognized or remain anonymous for your donation. If you would like to make a bequest or have a large contribution, please contact our treasurer, Chris Matthews, or our president, August Berkshire, for additional information.
