Who We Are

2016 Board croppedMinnesota Atheists is Minnesota's oldest and largest atheist organization. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational organization that seeks to promote the positive contributions of atheism to society and to maintain separation of state and church.

Our bylaws are available here. Each year we hold eight monthly meetings with guest speakers (Jan.-May, Sept.-Nov.), three picnics (June-Aug.), a Winter Solstice banquet (Dec.), and four Quarterly Business/Members Meetings.

We have a full calendar of events, such as dinners, movie nights, game nights, discussion groups, book clubs, and many others. To find out about these events, sign up for A.W.E. - Atheists Weekly E-mail, or join our Meetup.

We produce a weekly live radio show and podcast, "Atheists Talk".

We offer speakers to the community free of charge. We specialize in presentations to high school and community college comparative religion classes.


The 2019 Board

Minnesota Atheists is a democratic organization with elected representatives who serve on the board for a one year term unless reelected. Nominations are in January and elections are in February with the new board taking effect March 1st. Nominees need to be paying members in good standing for at least one year prior to the date of election; Director-at-Large nominees need only be members for 6 months prior. If you are interested in joining the 2017 Board, make sure your membership is current and let us know that you're interested!

You may click on the board member's name to email them directly. General inquiries to the board can be sent to board@mnatheists.org.

President, Ben Blanchard

2019 marks the 10th year of my involvement in the atheist community, and I am thrilled to be nominated for President of Minnesota Atheists. I started off as a young member of my university’s SSA chapter, eventually growing into a leader in my local community, then working with national secular organizations, and spending a year working with Foundation Beyond Belief on an international humanist service trip. When I decided to put down roots, I knew it would be in Minnesota because it is the best place in the world, with good weather, good food, and good people. Becoming involved with MNA’s leadership over the last year, and serving as Director-At-Large, has reinvigorated my passion for improving our community. My goals for the upcoming year are to focus on developing member leadership, increasing our membership by making joining easier with more visible benefits, and increasing our involvement with other local organizations.

Associate President, Stephanie Zvan

I believe in working to forge and strengthen relationships with national organizations in the secular movement and leveraging some of those relationships to help MNA meet its local goals. I’m working with the Center for Inquiry to push Minnesota to finally allow marriage officiants from atheist and secular humanist groups who don’t identify as religious. Working with Secular Woman (where I’m also a board member) and Black Nonbelievers, I've helped organize two Secular Women Work conferences in Minnesota in partnership with MNA. I’m excited to work on other partnerships that can help us do more without consuming all our resources.

Chair, Georgia Hancock

This is my 6th year of serving on the board. I was elected as Associate Chair in 2019 and recently became Chair. I am a longtime member of Minnesota Atheist. I share Minnesota Atheists’ goals of educating the public about atheism and promoting the separation of church and state, and I feel it is important to keep this as our primary goal. Making atheism a normal and acceptable community is where I feel Minnesota Atheists needs to be. I am an open atheist in my community and career and encourage others to be open and to educate their friends and family about atheism. I have continued my role of librarian for Minnesota Atheists, am on the Public Policy Committee, and would like to work with our members to move forward with the Well-Being Committee. I look forward to more opportunities to learn and grow with the Minnesota Atheists board and members this year.

Associate Chair, Kamrin Duncan

I have served on the board of Minnesota Atheist for one year and it has been a great experience to see firsthand the positive impact that MNA has made at the individual and community level. I am excited to see the positive changes coming to MNA over the upcoming year as we continue to grow and improve the organization. Enhancing MNA presence in the Minnesota community is important for educating and breaking barriers with atheism. It is critical that we continue to defend groups and institutions that are threatened based on religious preferences. I’m looking forward to another year working with our amazing to team to continue these efforts.

Secretary, Heather Hegi

I am happy to have been nominated this year as Secretary on the Board of Directors. Having been the Chair of Minnesota Atheists these last three years and having served as Secretary before, I’m well prepared to take on this position. I look forward to continuing to serve our membership and the greater atheist population of Minnesota as a member of the board. In addition to the duties of recording minutes and giving reports, I will continue to do what I can to make sure Minnesota Atheists itself is running smoothly.

The board is working to modernize Minnesota Atheists and tap into the growing atheist population. I want us to become a greater force in our state and motivate atheists to stand up for secularism. I’m proud to be a part of this team.

Treasurer, Chris Matthews

I am a Minnesota native and a life member of Minnesota Atheists. I had a brief and very tame stint as a religious person when I was young. I re-became an atheist as a teenager when I reflected on the other lies our society tells children, and the lack of evidence for anything religious. I am proud to help provide the infrastructure that the organization needs to pursue goals that we collectively find worthwhile. I personally value positive atheism and the promotion of separation of religion and government. I have served on the board as treasurer since 2011, and I appreciate the opportunity to continue.

Director-at-Large, Alyssa Ehni

I am excited to continue my service with Minnesota Atheists as a director at large. This past year we have made strides in setting up our organization for future growth and I look forward to continuing this work. Creating the frameworks to empower our members to contribute to that growth is my focus for this year.

Director-at-Large, Dane Haverly

Dane joined the Minnesota Atheists board in 2019. He has resurrected our Newbie Nights and is introducing us to curious atheists weekly over trivia.

Director-at-Large, Maddy Love

Maddy joined the Minnesota Atheists board in mid-2019 to fill a vacancy. She's been a longtime host of Atheists Talk radio and will be helping us take a more organized approach to our activist events.


The Minnesota Atheist Newsletter

Published nearly every month, The Minnesota Atheist is distributed to our membership and to media to keep people informed of current events, book reviews, and provide topical articles of interest to atheists. Without a dedicated team of editors, writers and publishers, we could not complete a newsletter so often.

Editor, Milo Grika



Minnesota Atheists is also an affiliate of American Atheists, which holds annual national conventions and publishes the quarterly American Atheist magazine and the monthly, members-only, American Atheists Newsletter.

Minnesota Atheists is also part of the Alliance of Secular Humanist Societies (ASHS), which is connected to the Council for Secular Humanism, publishers of Free Inquiry and Skeptical Inquirer magazines.
