President’s Column: Iconic Resolution mna
By Alyssa Ehni

Happy New Year to my fellow heathens! I hope the holiday season treated you well and that you had a very merry whatever it is that you and yours celebrate.

Cliché, I know, but the new year makes room for fresh beginnings and change. One thing the board would like to change is the logo that Minnesota Atheists uses. While we are all fond of the logo we have, the lettering does not always print nicely when the logo must be small. Before we get to how we would like to redesign the logo, let’s talk about the logo that we presently use.

The logo  comprises multiple symbols. It references science, with a shooting star crossing in front of a crescent moon, which forms a rounded version of the capital letter A, for atheism. The star also represents Minnesota, as the North Star State and the star in motion represents that we are an action oriented organization. I like it. It is thoughtful and was designed years ago by one of our members, Pierre Tardif, who was vice president of Lavender magazine.

So why am I talking about the fact that we would like to change the logo instead of introducing something new? Well, that’s because we would like to have a design contest for the new logo! That’s right, you can submit your idea for a shiny brand new Minnesota Atheists’ logo. 

Design wise we are open, but please consider the following:

1. Any proposed logo should be clear and readable when it is being used for something like a sticker or a button.
2. The entry is original and does not infringe on any trademarks, copyright etc.
3. The proposed logo is positive and in the spirit of Minnesota Atheists.

You can submit your proposed logo to the board via email ( by March 31, 2018. Once the board has the opportunity to review the submissions, we will present our members with an opportunity to vote on their favorite. When a winner has been determined, we will start using the new logo on our website, tee-shirts, pamphlets, etc.

Go forth, design, or draw. We look forward to your submissions.