In her book Move Upstream: A Call to Solve Overpopulation Karen Shragg challenges us to consider overpopulation and it's effects on our world. From the book description:

When it comes to our use of natural resources, we are taught to consider issues related to consumption such as energy efficiency and recycling. However, the number of people - and how fast that number is growing - is a more important factor. More people consume more resources, need more services, produce more waste, and create more world conflict as resources diminish.

Working on downstream issues, such as saving the environment, feeding the hungry, and ending homelessness, is noble but ineffective and inefficient without also working to solve the primary cause of these and other important issues. In Move Upstream: A Call to Solve Overpopulation, Karen Shragg challenges social and environmental activists to stop working downstream and take the problem of overpopulation seriously. She also provides compassionate ideas to solve the problem.

Karen Shragg is a naturalist, writer and overpopulation activist. She joined the advisory board of World Population Balance in 2004, and regularly delivers lectures on overpopulation to local, state and national groups. Karen holds an Ed.D. from the University of St. Thomas in critical pedagogy and is director of the Wood Lake Nature Center in Minnesota. Her other books include, The Wolf Within, Grieving Outside the Box, the Nature's Yucky! children's series with Lee Ann Landstrom, and Lucy's Hero: Remembering Paul Wellstone.

Join us this Sunday morning as Eric Jayne interviews Karen Shragg about Move Upstream: A Call to Solve Overpopulation.

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