Dale DeBakcsy is the author and illustrator of the biweekly column Women in Science atMadArtLab.com, the first two years of which have been collected in book form as The Illustrated Women in Science. He writes the Great Lives series for Free Inquiry and is a regular contributor to Philosophy Now, American Atheist Magazine, and Skeptical Inquirer. Since 2007 he and Geoffrey Schaeffer have co-written the historical webcomic Frederick the Great:A Most Lamentable Comedy Breaching Time and Space. His first collection of essays,Godless Nerdistry, is available on Amazon.

Dale DeBakcsy joins Scott Lohman on this week's episode of Atheists Talk

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Atheists Talk radio and podcast is a communications service of Minnesota Atheists.  Our volunteer producers, hosts, interviewers, and contributors are committed to presenting topics of interest to atheists and humanists. Topics include, but are not limited to, general atheism and humanism, separation of church and state, science, religion, gender, race, culture, and the arts.