Join Atheists Talk this Sunday for our discussion with Michael Vito Tosto, author of the newly published book, Portrait of an Infidel: The Acerbic Account of How a Passionate Christian Became an Ardent Atheist. In his book, Tosto shares his upbringing in an observant Baptist home, his involvement with church life as a young man, his growing disillusionment with Christianity and his eventual deconversion. 

Michael Vito Tosto makes a case that Christianity is inherently harmful and divisive, and he advocates for others to join him in embracing their acerbic infidel selves.

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Atheists Talk radio and podcast is a communications service of Minnesota Atheists.  Our volunteer producers, hosts, interviewers, and contributors are committed to presenting topics of interest to atheists and humanists. Topics include, but are not limited to, general atheism and humanism, separation of church and state, science, religion, gender, race, culture, and the arts.