St. Paul, MN, November 26, 2014 – As we prepare for another “War on Christmas”, Minnesota Atheists is proud to help fight hunger and make the holidays a little brighter for individuals and families in Minnesota.
The Minnesota Atheists/Volunteers Beyond Belief team has raised nearly $800 (so far) for a local east metro food shelf for the Walk to End Hunger. We’ll be joining hundreds of other hunger fighters at the 5K walk at the Mall of America on Thanksgiving morning.
On December 13, we continue our annual tradition of collecting gifts for local families. This year’s “War on Christmas” gift collection will go to the Children’s Hospital of Minnesota because even though atheists don’t believe in the supernatural, we do believe in making this one and only life as joyful as possible. Additionally, many attendees of our annual Winter Solstice party will bring donations for the Bridge for Youth which provides shelter and assistance for homeless youth in the Twin Cities.
Minnesota Atheists believes that serving the community should be an ongoing activity throughout the year. That’s why we will continue serving families without permanent housing monthly meals at the Family Place shelter in St. Paul. We will also continue to pack and sort food at the Food Group (formerly Emergency Food Shelf Network) food bank in New Hope every month, and provide more volunteer help to the many other secular nonprofit social service agencies serving our shared community.
As a partner organization of the national Foundation Beyond Belief, Minnesota Atheists understands that it’s up to us to “do God’s work” (i.e. help people) because there actually is no god to do the work. The mission of Foundation Beyond Belief is: To demonstrate humanism at its best by supporting efforts to improve this world and this life, and to challenge humanists to embody the highest principles of humanism, including mutual care and responsibility. Foundation Beyond Belief awarded Minnesota Atheists as Volunteer Organization of the Month for November of this year.