By Eric Jayne

I had never heard of the word “devine” so when I got home I visited a
popular online search engine to look it up. The first item that popped
up was an entry from Thinking that this looked
promising I clicked on it and learned that there was a British stage
director who lived from 1910 to 1965 named George Devine. There was no
other entry listed for the word.
A divine being like Jesus surely wouldn’t allow such a blatant
misspelling to appear on a self-promoting billboard, so we can only
assume that the spelling was purposeful and the message is accurate.
It’s the same logic we are forced to apply when reading the books in the
Bible. Evidently the tens of thousands of scribes who predate the
printing press were guided by the divine hand of Jesus to enhance the texts by adding, omitting, and changing the spelling of words and story lines.
It seems, then, Jesus is not only a skilled angler, carpenter, shepherd,
and divine messiah, but he is also very talented at removing vines—or devining, if you will.
Click HERE for another view of the billboard.