By Eric Jayne
(Letter to the editor, titled "Day of Reason" was published in the Sunday's 05.08.11 editoin of the St. Paul Pioneer Press)

I hate to think what America would look like if the Constitution's
framers spent the majority of their time praying to God and reading
Bible stories instead of studying science and reading John Locke.
Thankfully, Benjamin Franklin knew that "lighthouses are more helpful
than churches" and John Adams set the record straight when he proclaimed
"the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on
the Christian religion."
Rational thought and reason are what our nation was founded on, and that is what our nation needs now, more than ever. The Minnesota Atheists will continue to hold the National Day of Reason at the Capitol, and we hope Gov. Dayton won't reject our invitation next year.
Rational thought and reason are what our nation was founded on, and that is what our nation needs now, more than ever. The Minnesota Atheists will continue to hold the National Day of Reason at the Capitol, and we hope Gov. Dayton won't reject our invitation next year.